Safe Spaces to Learn and Grow
Wellington Exempted Village Schools believe in providing school-wide systems of support that include strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.
A continuum of positive behavior supports for all students is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms). Abundant student-led activities help these positive cultures to flourish, including:
- High school clubs such as National Honor Society, Friends of Rachel’s and Rachel's Challenge, Student Council, Future Farmers of America, Anime Club, and Drama Club
- Positive Behavior Intervention Supports implementation in all schools
- PBIS programming in all three school buildings
- OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program in all schools
- McCormick Middle School honors local veterans each year
- D.A.R.E. Officer (Drug Abuse Resistance Education program) presence in all schools to support students and reinforce making good decisions
Did You Know?
The national Rachel's Challenge program visits middle and high schools supporting its mission of making schools safer, more connected places where bullying and violence are replaced with kindness and respect; and where learning and teaching are awakened to their fullest potential.