Wellington Schools Endowment Fund
An Investment in the Future
In 1983, former Superintendent Dr. James McGlamery had the vision to establish a school endowment to provide a stable source of funding for non required school programs, such as the fine and performing arts, athletics, and other extra-curricular activities. He realized that these were the first programs to suffer when budget cuts had to be made. With an endowment, these programs would be able to prosper.
Since 1983, the Endowment has grown from a dream to a tremendous asset for Wellington students. All contributions to the Wellington Schools Endowment qualify for a tax deduction by virtue of section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Endowment has grown to include over one million dollars in assets managed by the Community Foundation of Lorain County. Donations to the Endowment are never spent, but a percentage of the investment income is returned to fund teacher grants, scholarships, and the Dollars for Scholars program. Since 1987, when the first teacher grant was awarded, the Endowment has returned over $750,000 to benefit Wellington students. The Wellington Schools Endowment has grown to be one of the top five school endowments in Lorain County in terms of funds on deposit. Nearly every student attending Wellington schools has participated in programs or activities sponsored by the Endowment.
The Endowment presently distributes grants and scholarships to Wellington students in three ways:
· Teacher grants
· Scholarships
· Saving for CollegeTeacher Grants
In our first grant year, 1987, the Endowment awarded $2,600 in teacher grants. Since that time, the imagination and ingenuity of these grants have exposed Wellington students to unique educational opportunities. The Endowment has sponsored educational field trips and guest speakers, helped enhance academics above and beyond the normal curriculum, provided funds for innovative technology in the classroom, and provided seed money for a variety of school programs and activities. Grants are awarded annually.
In 1988, the Wellington Schools Endowment awarded the first George Babitt Family Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Since that time, the endowment has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships to Wellington students pursuing a post-secondary education. The endowment presently administers twelve scholarship funds, including:
- George Babitt Family Scholarship
- Mayo G. Wood Memorial Scholarship
- WHS Alumni Association Scholarship
- Roy A. McCormick Memorial Scholarship
- Edward and Maxine Wells Scholarship
- Karl J. Olsen, M.D. Scholarship
- May and George Green Scholarship
- Jason Hartman Memorial Scholarship
- Wellington Eagles Scholarship
- WHS Valedictorian Scholarship
- Rex Brasee Memorial Scholarship
- Michael and Molly Adams Scholarship
Saving for College
Saving for College is a one-of-a-kind program in the State of Ohio. Started as “Dollars for Scholars” by Dr. McGlamery in 1990 with a $200,000 grant from the State of Ohio, it encourages parents to start saving for their children’s college education at a young age. The program was modified in 1998 when the Endowment joined forces with the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority to administer this program. Parents invest money in an educational account of their choice through the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority and the Saving for College program matches it at a 25% rate on the first one thousand dollars annually.
Board Make-up
The Endowment board consists of fourteen members. Six members at large each serve three-year terms. A representative is appointed for each of the following for a one year term: Board of Education; Alumni Association; Band Boosters; three faculty members, representing each school, selected by the school’s superintendent; Junior and Senior classes, selected by the High School principal.